Home Tag "smartphone"

London graffiti artists – shot on iPhone using Filmic Pro

After i did a lecture at the Vault Festival in Waterloo on my walks I came across these artists and felt the need to film them with my iPhone 6s using filmic pro and the Smooth C 3 axis gimbal. Via mobilefilmmaking.com

Shoot wide, not tall

When shooting a video with a smartphone or tablet, you might be tempted to hold the device vertically. This is how you do it when making a call, texting, or shooting some still photos. But when making a video, shooting vertically is usually a bad idea. READ

Tips and Tools to Take Your Smartphone Photography to New Dimensions

You can’t beat the camera you always have with you. It is now most likely that the images you see on a Facebook feed, Snapchat, or texts were taken with a smartphone. READ