Zhiyun Crane-M2 Gimbal… Terrific or Trouble?

In this video we take a first look at the Zhiyun Crane-M2 gimbal.
This is a hybrid gimbal designed for compact, action and small mirrorless cameras as well as smartphones. But, we had some challenges balancing one of these. Can you guess which one? 🙂
Zhiyun Crane-M2 gimbal https://amzn.to/2Z4xncr
Lumix LX100 https://amzn.to/31S31Hc
Sony a6400 https://amzn.to/2KK1I7r
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▶︎ The Complete Guide To FiLMiC Pro (SAVE 10%): http://bit.ly/FPGuideYT10
▶︎ MUSIC We Use (get 2 months free): https://goo.gl/RcMx4N
▶︎ EDITED with Adobe Premiere Pro http://bit.ly/2P0I7zJ
▶︎ FAVORITE Apps & Gear:
FiLMiC Pro (camera app) https://apple.co/2LhbG15
LumaFusion (editing app) https://apple.co/2zL3sJW
Shuttercase (Save 10%) http://bit.ly/ShutterCase10
Gimbal/Stabilizer https://amzn.to/2uzNtsx
Universal Camera Cage/Grip https://amzn.to/2Agw9Pn
Hand Grip/Tripod Mount https://amzn.to/2uXaVRf
Mini Tripod https://amzn.to/2uVZWaW
Bendy Tripod https://amzn.to/2Agqbhb
Battery Pack https://amzn.to/2wu2ii0
LED Light https://amzn.to/2AcAJy1
Camera Mount Mic https://amzn.to/2K11o08
Moment Lenses & Gear http://bit.ly/buymomentlens
Anamorphic Lens http://bit.ly/moondoglens
ND Filter Kit https://amzn.to/2mg000p
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If you’re new to our channel we’re all about taking mobile & DIY filmmaking to the next level. We share tools, tips & techniques to empower indie filmmakers, YouTube creators, mobile journalists and really anyone who wants to create better videos and movies. We primarily use iOS devices – but most of our tips will work with any smartphone – so if you’re an Android user there’s plenty of good info here for you, too! 🙂
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#gimbals #smartphone #filmmaking
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